On 28.05.2024, around 50 people from politics, business and the community from the Rheinisch Bergisch district took part in the third "Marketplace of Good Business" at the Kulturbahnhof in Overath.
RECAP Global Pro Bono Summit 2020
For this 100% digital edition, you were more than 330 to register for 3 days and 10 hours of discussions. This enthusiasm and the speeches of the 40 speakers confirmed that the pro bono has a nice future!
“Marketplace for good business” as a prime example of civic engagement
Civic involvement is already strongly practiced in many parts of society, but it can still be developed – especially as a permanent feature of corporate cultures. As a former financial and investment advisor, I would like to personally promote this. After almost ten years of work for the Foundation, I can say with full conviction: "Altruism is the best kind of egoism".
The “marketplace” Christmas story: A new website for the Bergisches Wünschemobil
The association Hits fürs Hospiz e.V. asked us for advice: Due to technical reasons the website of the Bergisches WünscheMobil was threatened with closure at the end of the year.
What to do? It was obvious that the request could not wait until the next "market place".
RECAP the first marketplace for good business in RBK
On 18 September 2019, around 80 people from politics, business and the community from the Rheinisch Bergischer district took part in the first "Marketplace of Good Business" at Schloss Eulenbroich in Rösrath.
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Recent Posts
- Join Global Pro Bono Academy during Pro Bono Week 2024
- Recap of the third Marketplace Good Business in the Rheinisch-Bergisch district
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