RECAP the first marketplace for good business in RBK
Within the one-hour “speed-dating”, a total of 35 engagement agreements were concluded between 18 non-profit organisations and 14 companies with a value of around 56,000 euros.
After a short welcome of the three-person organizer team, consisting of Tanja Siebert, Christine Peter and Christian Gollmer, by moderator Heike Drexel, introductory words of the main sponsor Dr. Jürgen Rembold (Dr. Jürgen Rembold Foundation) followed. Subsequently, patron Stephan Santelmann, district administrator of the Rheinisch-Bergisch district, officially opened the negotiation floor by striking the gong. A special feature of the engagement agreements that were created in this way: There is no money flowing, but the partners support each other by means of four possible exchange currencies: know-how, manpower and time, networks and tools. All the engagement agreements made within the framework of the “marketplace” were recorded in writing on the evening of the event. Their implementation will be accompanied by the organizer team.
The most fruitful and sustainable cooperations will be awarded by Dr. Jürgen Rembold Foundation at the next “Marketplace”.
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