Hallo alle zusammen,
Ich kann mich leider nicht auf das versprochene Thema „der Schlüssel zu allem liegt in der Kindheit“ konzentrieren. Denn es gibt ein Thema, was in mir, pure Verzweiflung aufkommen lässt. Seit Wochen hängt mir ein Thema zum Halse raus und jetzt platzt mir der Kragen. Also werde ich mich mal an euch auslassen. Ihr hört immer so lieb zu, ohne zu unterbrechen.
1 Kommentar.
Dear Leo,
Thank you for sharing the insights that you are gaining during your experience in the field.
It is a pity that I cannot speak German, but I translated what you wrote so that I got most of the issues that you raised and discussed.
I agree with your criticism about Voluntourism and the risk Western people may run of establishing Neo-colonialist relations and a cultural of aid dependency.
I am very glad to read that, conversely, your Pro bono efforts are contributing to empower local people, by working with them and not just for them.
Keep on pursuing your high ideals and the great goals you had envisaged!
Enjoy your life-changing experience!
Thank you for the good initiatives you have been undertaking!