Save-the-Date: Second European Pro Bono Summit in Budapest #EPBS17

Experts, supporters and shapers of the Pro Bono movement from all over Europe will be gathering in Budapest in October 2017 to attend the 2nd European Pro Bono Summit. After several successful Global Pro Bono Summit and first European Pro Bono Summit in Paris
The 2nd European Pro Bono Summit will take place from 18 to 20 October 2017 in Hungary’s capital Budapest.

At the event in autumn, pro bono agents and companies from all over Europe will meet and exchange information about their pro bono programmes.

Learn more about

the benefits of pro bono,
Digital pro bono solutions,
Multinational pro bono programs,
Pro Bono Service Design,
Corporate pro bono tools,
the future of pro bono and much more.

Come by, learn and expand your pro bono program!


To reserve your place at the European Pro Bono Summit, please register here. Registration is possible until 15 September 2017.

Target group

The event is aimed at specialists and managers from the fields of CSR, corporate volunteering and personnel development.


Váci Grüne, GE Ungarn Konferenzzentrum (1138 Budapest, Váci út 117 – 119.)


For more information about the European Pro Bono Summit, please contact us at

Hope to see you in Budapest!

The second EPBS is an event of the Global Pro Bono Network organized by Volunteering in Hungary (ÖKA) in cooperation with the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt, Taproot Foundation and GE Hungary. Further information can be found at and

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