Dr. Sugathan about Sanne, volunteer at SADAY
Ms. Sanne Verkooijen, Psychology Graduate from the Netherlands came to our SADAY-School for special needs as a volunteer from Amaidi on 3rd November 2009.
I met her for the first time on 27th November Friday. First interaction itself was interesting. Because of her attractive personality she could easily win the hearts of staff and children. In consultation with me and special educator she started working with the children and created programs for different level children. She helped our staff in handling computers and guided teachers in using computer aided teaching.
During her presence in SADAY we had organized a project along with Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan for 4 days ie, December 5, 6,7 and 8 2009. On 5th December we had a seminar for regular school children, teachers and siblings of special children. She helped in handling LCD Projector and did mastering the ceremony. On 6th December regular school students , special children, parent, staff and siblings of special children spent about 2 and a half hours in the Bharathi park. On that day she introduced group games and was a main attraction.On 7th Dec. we had a seminar for parents and staff of special school. On that day also she helped us in handling LCD Projector and did anchoring. On 8th Dec. SADAY organized a mega rally on Pondicherry Beach Road in the evening which was attended by VIP’s, Media , Public, Parents, Siblings, regular school children, teachers and a whole lot of special children. She along with her friends participated in the rally and on one occasion she was dancing by carrying a small special child. It was wonderful to see and public got thrilled by seeing this.
Each and every volunteers promoted by Amaidi is unique and each one of them are making their own impact (Positive energy) among special children and staff. Once in while they may come across stomach upset,otherwise all of them sincerely helped our special children and staff and made them happy. We will be always thankful to Amadi for helping SADAY to have volunteers of different specialization and wish to contain our sincere gratitude to Mr. Camile and his organization. We expect more and more volunteers and there is enough room and scope for them at SADAY. Ms. Sanne left us on 18th Dec. 2009 and parting was a sorrow.
With regards
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