Volunteers as Information Technology Teacher in Cameroon


This annual project aims to empower capacities of population for rural areas in the fields of Information Technology, Health, Languages and Culture, Entrepreneurship, Social Responsibility.

The Foundation welcomes volunteers with a wide range of levels of experience, in the field of IT/computer science or students with any experience in the fields of culture, languages, Information Technology. Attendance on cultural volunteering project is itself a helpful preparation for future international career, for this reason, provided to volunteers enthusiastic and truly eager to help in their future career, even individuals without experience can be accepted.

The participation of volunteer for this annual project from July to August (8 weeks) will help us train about 150 people in the village transferring to them knowledge that will help them either in school, in their business or in their personal lifes.

VJD-No.: VJD126
Type: Helping Hands
Online Project: No
Location: Bafoussam, Cameroon
Minimum Stay: 3 weeks
Max. No. of Volunteers: 4
Project focus: Community Development, Capacity Building; Sports; Women/Girls, Women’s Issues, Women Empowerment; HIV/AIDS; Health, Medical Care; Culture; Education, Special Education
SDG: 04 Quality Education

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Volunteers will use a range of course books and materials, plus a variety of audio-visual aids. A strong emphasis is placed on dialogue and role-playing, but more formal exercises, games and literature are also used.

The content of lessons varies depending on the age of students. The aim of each lesson is to encourage the students to effectively use IT infrastructures such as Laptop, Tablets, Smartphones.
Tasks that will be carried out include:

● Downloading free videos, PPTs that can serve to prepare the sessions
● Based on the previous projects, identifying from the reports the needed sessions to be delivered
● Designing contents and the training process to be used.

● Delivery trainings on ICT to Youth and other deprived children participating.
● Conducting some key workshops to make the participants discuss within a group on the issue of ICT in the country and how that can be solved.
● Training youth on the importance of the ICT and discuss how they connect their future career with ICT.

● Evaluate the participant’s knowledge on ICT at the beginning and at the end with the help of questionnaires.
● Help the IT team by attending the team meeting and also to write intermediate reports of the progress of ICT activities.
● Delivering of various surveys on the above mentioned social issues.

● Teach English or volunteer language to villagers.
● Carry out some community work depending on the villages/town and project.
● Support other teammates in their various activities.


As well as having a good command of English and the relevant qualifications, you will need to show evidence of the following:

● a friendly and confident manner;
● good planning and organization skills;
● the ability to work under pressure;
● flexibility and an adaptable teaching style;
● creative skills and ideas for planning practical and interesting lessons;
● excellent spoken and written communication skills;
● effective listening skills;
● sensitivity, tolerance and patience;
● IT skills
Passion ed out ICT and new technologies

Welche Dienstleistungen sind inkludiert

- Unterstützung vor dem Engagement
- ermäßigte Dienstleistungen
bei z.B. Versicherungen
- 24-Stunden-Notfall-Telefon
- Abholung vom Flughafen
(sofern nicht anders angegeben)
- erfahrene Mitarbeiter
- Sichere und einfache Unterkünfte
(manchmal geteilt)
- Alle Mahlzeiten (sofern nicht anders angegeben)
- Orientierung über Lehrmethoden und -techniken, Sprache, Sitten, Kultur und Religion (falls zutreffend)
- 24-Stunden-Unterstützung im Land
- Qualifizierten Tätigkeitsnachweis

Welche Leistung sind nicht inkludiert

- An- und Abreise
- Visum
- notwendige Impfungen
- Reiseversicherungen
(können ab 1,35 Euro pro Tag arrangiert werden)
- Ausflüge vor Ort
- Flughafensteuern
- Persönliche Ausgaben

Estimated Cost

Cost for the 1st week:

170 Euro

Cost for the following weeks:

90 Euro per week

Visit our FAQ page for financial help.

We offer you the possibility to engage yourself in a culturally and professionally challenging environment. Besides giving something back to the world; you get an excellent opportunity to further develop your personality and intercultural competence. We find a social project that perfectly matches your qualifications and preferences; prepare you for your new assignment; guide you before and during your volunteering experience, help to fundraise your mission and following up on your achievements once you get home. For this service we charge 1.600 Euro (net).

In short: We will make sure that all you need for a successful mission is provided to you!

or how this project makes a difference:
Long Term aim (desired impact):

• Initiate the acquisition and appropriation of New Information and Communication Technologies by young residents in rural areas through various training and the establishment of the Community Technology Centers to ensure this training of Permanently during the year.
• Motivate and re-energize young people who must now be aware of the place of young entrepreneurship in the development process in Cameroon.
• Encourage young people to return to their roots as youth are losing socio-cultural benchmarks.
• Promote cultural mixing for a better understanding of the notion of cultural diversity as an undeniable asset for personal development.
• Revitalization of the practice of sport as a primary vector of well-being.
• Encourage the spirit of discovery and networking by exposing participants to a multicultural learning environment …

Short Term aim (desired output for the individual volunteer coming):

Peer educators trained 100
Youth (-10year) Sensitized on higiene and health 50
Nomber of people sensitized on health issues 6 000
Number of mosquitoes net shared 2 000
People trained on how to build a project 30
People trained on IT 150
People trained in languages and cultures 150
Community works 05
Football Tournament 01
Cultural fair in the village 01
Blood donation 10 pockets
Village where the project is realized 01
Villages indirectly addressed by the project 07

Accommodation on arrival:

Once arriving at Douala airport, the pickup will be managed by our local team. If there is no time to travel directly to the project venue or the volunteer is tired, then we will book a hotel room and rest in the city and travel the next day.

Price is generally about 15€ to 25€, but depending on the standing the volunteer want.

Project is closed: 

Until July 15th we are still accepting applications.

The project is running during 2 months (July and August each year)

We accept people coming before the project

We accept minimum duration of 3 weeks
Applications can be open during the whole year to facilitate people who want to apply long time before to be able to do so.

Social activities (organised by partner):

  • Weekends tours to visit either a museum, a kingdom, a water fall or a family. (about 35€ each covering transport and visit fees)
  • 1 Cultural fair is organized during the project where the volunteer will have to expose his country to people of the village and answer questions. Should prepare a PowerPoint, a country flag, so useful stuffs that can better express how is the country to people that have never been there.
  • We have some evening that we spend with families across the village and there volunteers are able to ask questions and get to know about our culture
  • Some cultural event usually occur in the village during the project and when we are informed, we manage to help volunteers discovering that.
Language lessons: 

we organize usually about 4 hours French classes per weeks to volunteers that want to learn french and it is free of charge.


The person responsible and available 24/7 for guidance and coordination of the volunteer team is Gregoire Mbiagmen. If he can't be available another member of the organization is assigned to the tasks


Phone SIM: 5€
Mobile Internet/Month: 9€

There is no wifi at the project venue. Villages in Africa usually lack of internet facilities. But with mobiles, it it usual to have access to internet.

Other relevant information:

We would appreciate a valid commitment of at least 3 weeks and we accept both male a female candidatures


First Contact

Please contact us by phone, email or apply free of charge and without any obligation here as an individual and here as a company.


After extensive consultation on the process, the services, the costs and preparations, we will present the first suitable projects.


After an extensive consultation and presentation of the first suitable projects, we will conclude a written agreement. In order to have planning security for all stakeholders.

Presentation of  Volunteer Profile to Project Partner

Your application documents will be presented to the project partner.

Successful Placement

If the project partner decides for you, he documents this on the so-called Confirmation of Assignment (COA).
This is an indication for us that the pure mediation process is completed here and we can start with the preparation.


You will be prepared individually according to your previous knowledge.

Project Work

During your project work, a fixed contact person is at your disposal at any time.


At regular intervals, we as well as the project partners expect a short documentation of your project results and progress.


At the end of the project a feedback round takes place and the project work will be evaluated together with all participants.

Qualified Letter of Reference

After successful implementation of the project, you will receive a qualified letter of reference.

Do you think that this project perfectly fits you?

In that case we welcome your resume and motivation letter in English. Please mention the assignment title and its VJD-No. as reference. We will of course ensure complete confidentiality and discretion while processing your inquiry.


All information is correct to the best of our knowledge, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy and completeness.

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