Probono Consultants for Women & Girl Empowerment Projects in Uganda


Investing in women is said to be a key to development. „Educate her, buy her a cow or goat, or help her start a business and great things will follow: sustained increases in income, greater empowerment and social inclusion, health and education for the children, mental health and happiness. When you teach a woman to fish, everybody eats.” In countries like Uganda where economic development has stalled and millions live in poverty, investing in livelihood development for women is not simply an issue of women’s empowerment -it is also a cutting-edge investment in poverty alleviation and economic development for the future. The main objective for this program is to empower and equip rural women with tailored practical training, knowledge and skills in their farming by turning subsistence farming into profitable small enterprises. The project provides training in a range of improved farming practices, introducing better livestock breeds and crop species, techniques to farm sustainable and prevent soil erosion, and help participants acquire new skills such as bee-keeping, aquaculture and managing small businesses such as the production and sale of indigenous African crafts such as paper jewelry, baskets, and mats; and the raising and sale of goats for profit. For the minimum time of 2 weeks, we are looking for Probono Consultants for Women & Girl Empowerment Projects.

VJD-No.: VJD51
Type: Knowledge Transfer (Probono)
Online Project: Yes
Location: Fort Portal, Uganda
Minimum Stay: 2 weeks
Max. No. of Volunteers: 16
Project focus: Livelihood Promotion; Women/Girls, Women’s Issues, Women Empowerment
SDG: 05 Gender Equality; 10 Reduced Inequalities

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As a volunteer, you will undertake various roles during your volunteer project placement. You will take on a leadership and management role with a passion for micro-enterprise development, poverty reduction and social entrepreneurship in rural Uganda and perform tasks such as:

• You will be involve starting up some micro- enterprises and identifying, training and supporting new clients
• Establishing women groups, youth groups and individuals
• Develop and implement strategic marketing plans and sales plans for products
• Oversees and evaluates market research and adjusts marketing strategy to meet changing market and competitive conditions.
• Developing and writing of business plans
• Developing marketing strategies
• Conducting workshops and Providing business guidance and support
• Provide Practical business skills training including finance, people management, legal and IT.
• Business coaching and mentoring to guide entrepreneurs
• Establishing of Financing opportunities for business growth


No specific qualifications or previous experience is required to join the Women & Girl Empowerment Projects. However, volunteers with special expertise are highly preferred. Participants should bring both enthusiasm and humility to their projects. Interns are expected to be independent and creative, bring ideas to the table, be respectful to organization leadership and work collaboratively.

Other considerations include the followings:
• Should have compassion, patience and a dedication to improve lives of people.
• Passionate about the Foundation‘s mission and international development
• Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
• Have a passion for our mission and a strong desire to impact an up-and-coming nonprofit organization
• Be an innovative and creative thinker – you are not afraid to try something new and inspire others to do so
• Have a very high level of personal and professional integrity and trustworthiness
• Have a strong work ethic, take initiative, and require minimal direction
• Work well independently as well as part of a team
• Thrive in a slow-paced and fun environment

Welche Dienstleistungen sind inkludiert

- Unterstützung vor dem Engagement
- ermäßigte Dienstleistungen
bei z.B. Versicherungen
- 24-Stunden-Notfall-Telefon
- Abholung vom Flughafen
(sofern nicht anders angegeben)
- erfahrene Mitarbeiter
- Sichere und einfache Unterkünfte
(manchmal geteilt)
- Alle Mahlzeiten (sofern nicht anders angegeben)
- Orientierung über Lehrmethoden und -techniken, Sprache, Sitten, Kultur und Religion (falls zutreffend)
- 24-Stunden-Unterstützung im Land
- Qualifizierten Tätigkeitsnachweis

Welche Leistung sind nicht inkludiert

- An- und Abreise
- Visum
- notwendige Impfungen
- Reiseversicherungen
(können ab 1,35 Euro pro Tag arrangiert werden)
- Ausflüge vor Ort
- Flughafensteuern
- Persönliche Ausgaben

Estimated Cost

Cost for the 1st week:

212 Euro

Cost for the following weeks:

157 Euro per week

Visit our FAQ page for financial help.

We offer you the possibility to engage yourself in a culturally and professionally challenging environment. Besides giving something back to the world; you get an excellent opportunity to further develop your personality and intercultural competence. We find a social project that perfectly matches your qualifications and preferences; prepare you for your new assignment; guide you before and during your volunteering experience, help to fundraise your mission and following up on your achievements once you get home. For this service we charge 1.600 Euro (net).

In short: We will make sure that all you need for a successful mission is provided to you!

or how this project makes a difference:
Long Term aim (desired impact):

The main objective for this program is to empower and equip rural women especially those families living around endangered biodiversity hot spots, with tailored practical training, knowledge and skills in their farming by turning subsistence farming into profitable small enterprises. The project provides training in a range of improved farming practices, introducing better livestock breeds and crop species, techniques to farm sustainable and prevent soil erosion, and help participants acquire new skills such as bee-keeping, aquaculture and managing small businesses such as the production and sale of indigenous African crafts such as jewelry, baskets, and mats; and the raising and sale of goats for profit.

The NPO’s goal is that each family generates a sustainable source of income that wholly supports their family and allows their children to remain in school.

Short Term aim (desired output for the individual volunteer coming):

The Volunteer opportunities are many and varied in this projects – poverty reduction programme – small business skills, IT and administration experience, agriculture, alternative technology, product design and marketing – all these skills and more will be welcome in this volunteer project.

Accommodation on arrival:

Accommodation is provided at the hotel on the first day of the volunteer’s arrival in case the volunteer arrives late in the afternoon or in the night. This accommodation will cost extra but it is not expensive (expect to pay approximately 28 Euros per night including breakfast). The fee will be paid directly to the hotel.

Project is closed: During the weekend, volunteers have spare time and usually just relax or take the opportunity to explore some tourist attraction around Fort Portal town in Uganda. Long weekends can be taken to travel further afield (ie Kenya or Tanzania) or to embark on a safari or gorilla trek. If volunteers wish to volunteer over the weekends they can join local teams and visit other children’s homes (or other children helping organizations) to spend time simply playing with and entertaining the children.

Sunday is a rest and church day in Uganda. If volunteers wish they can accompany their host family to their local church. Even if volunteers do not prescribe to the religion of the host family, it is recommended that volunteers attend at least one church service with their host family as an African church service is unlike anything you will every experience.

Social activities (organised by partner):

Well, we couldn’t really be a Foundation without extra tourism adventure could we?! As part of your experience, in the majority of our longer term projects, we give you the chance to take part in a range of different adventure activities.
Uganda is a large and extremely diverse country in terms of both culture and nature. For three days you can undertake a safari that ushers you in the vast Bwindi Impenetrable National for Gorilla Trekking or the Murchison Falls National Park for Uganda Wildlife Tour or the famous Queen Elizabeth National Park for Uganda Bird Watching, or the Kibale National Park for Uganda Chimpanzee Trekking. You can also take a journey for Cultural Tour from Central to Eastern Uganda, to tour Kampala the Capital City of Uganda, Buganda and Busoga Kingdom, or to Western Uganda, to tour Bunyoro, Toro and Ankole royal monarchy, tradition and culture. The adventures will provide you with a break from your project, a chance to see your host country from a different perspective, and time to maybe live out a few dreams

Language lessons: 

The Foundation respects that each person is unique, and thus has different needs, and we endeavor to meet those genuine needs as effectively as we possibly can. All volunteers are supported by every step of the way. You will be allocated a line manager to assist you in the day to day aspects of your adventure and staff at foundation’s main base who will be available 24/7 for any out of hours emergencies. All staff involved in supporting you, work together to provide coordinated, personal and professional support throughout your adventure. We take time to listen to each individual, to question where appropriate, and to guide when asked. We have vast experience in pastoral care for all ages, and in varied settings. Should a situation arise which is beyond our experience and knowledge, we will always seek professional assistance from outside agencies with whom we maintain a close relationship in order to ensure the individual’s involved are supported effectively.


WIFI internet access is available at the volunteer’s guest house at a weekly fee of 20 Euros per person. The fee should be paid by the volunteer to the administration on arrival or during the orientation.

Other relevant information:

The Foundation volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds, with democratic structures that allow for active involvement of volunteers of all national, religious, cultural, social, economic and other backgrounds and of all ages. The minimum age for volunteers applying is 18, there is no real upper age-limit, and to us motivation is far more important than the age bracket you fit into. So, if someone has a heart to serve, time to give and a desire to help others, then they can apply!


First Contact

Please contact us by phone, email or apply free of charge and without any obligation here as an individual and here as a company.


After extensive consultation on the process, the services, the costs and preparations, we will present the first suitable projects.


After an extensive consultation and presentation of the first suitable projects, we will conclude a written agreement. In order to have planning security for all stakeholders.

Presentation of  Volunteer Profile to Project Partner

Your application documents will be presented to the project partner.

Successful Placement

If the project partner decides for you, he documents this on the so-called Confirmation of Assignment (COA).
This is an indication for us that the pure mediation process is completed here and we can start with the preparation.


You will be prepared individually according to your previous knowledge.

Project Work

During your project work, a fixed contact person is at your disposal at any time.


At regular intervals, we as well as the project partners expect a short documentation of your project results and progress.


At the end of the project a feedback round takes place and the project work will be evaluated together with all participants.

Qualified Letter of Reference

After successful implementation of the project, you will receive a qualified letter of reference.

Do you think that this project perfectly fits you?

In that case we welcome your resume and motivation letter in English. Please mention the assignment title and its VJD-No. as reference. We will of course ensure complete confidentiality and discretion while processing your inquiry.


All information is correct to the best of our knowledge, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy and completeness.

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